Advanced Level of Investigative Interviewing

About this course

The principles of Advanced Investigative Interviewing are to obtain an accurate, reliable, and detailed account of events through one of two models, namely, free recall or conversation management. The Courts are increasingly relying on information being gleaned using the PEACE model, an acronym for (P) preparation and planning, (E) engage and explain, (A) account, (C) closure and (E) evaluation.

The course structure has similarities with Investigative Interviewing (Entry Level); however, this course provides greater and more detailed analysis and understanding of issues pertinent to statement taking and conducting interviews. This course covers legal principles, proofs of offences, understanding case law, and interview solutions for vulnerable witnesses, interpreters, solicitors and third parties.

Overview of the Course:

  • Planning and preparation
  • Questioning techniques
  • Contemporaneous notes
  • Practical scenario training
  • Free Recall technique (cooperative interviewees)
  • Conversation Management technique (uncooperative interviewees)
  • Ethics
  • Behavioural indicators
  • Communication
  • Vulnerable witnesses, interpreters, solicitors and third parties

You will also learn:

  • Legislative and ethical requirements relating to interviewing
  • Key legislative offences relating to relevant Acts and Regulations
  • Application of the PEACE model of investigative interviewing
  • Understanding and application of case law (legal precedents) to interviewing
  • Interview solutions for vulnerable witnesses, interpreters, solicitors and third parties
  • Planning and preparing for an interview
  • Conducting an interview by applying the “Free Recall” and “Conversation Management” methods
  • Conduct electronically recorded interviews

Course Information

Whilst there are no pre-requisite entry requirements to this course, it is anticipated students will have some experience in reading and interpreting legislation, planning for an interview, and obtaining a detailed untainted account of evidence from witnesses.

This course is delivered over 5 consecutive days.

Face to Face Training

Assessment is undertaken through a combination of theory and practical activity using scenarios.

Learning and assessment tasks are completed during the face-to-face training sessions in a class setting bringing together learners and trainers, creating a highly interactive and dynamic training environment.

All our classes are capped at levels to ensure we provide the best possible student experience. Where necessary we provide additional trainers to support learning activities.

Non-Accredited Training

Upon the successful completion of all learning activities, AISIT will issue a Certificate of Completion.

Accredited Training

Upon the successful completion of all learning activities, and associated assessments for this course, you will be awarded a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for the following unit/s of competency:

  • PSPREG035 Produce formal record of interview
  • PSPREG039 Gather information through interviews

This unit of competency may be credited towards the following nationally recognised training qualification, which is offered by AISIT:

  • LGA40120 Certificate IV in Local Government (Regulatory Control)
  • PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations

This course can also articulate into various Certificate III and Certificate IV nationally recognised training qualifications.

For pricing information please contact us directly at:

AISIT offers this course as an in-house program to businesses, organisations, and government agencies across Australia.

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